My first exposure to THYRFING was around 2008 with Farsotstider. I loved it, but since then I had not delved too deeply, a song here and there. Vanagandr is my first full album since, and it was as much of an experience now as it was then.
Vanagandr starts off hard hitting, as any Viking metal album should, with those sick riffs, choirs of Valkyries, and then those Viking blackened growls. ‘Dop dem I eld’ is the opener well chosen, the storm before the calm before the even bigger storm. Those headbanging riffs and backing keys will have you headbanging your way towards Ragnarok. Don’t be like Loki and chump out, there’s more to come.
Throughout the album you will find it possible to be both heavy and chill at the same time, like a longship thundering across the ocean to give those English sissies what for. It makes for a very well put together combination of moshpit-inducing string-raiding and epic orchestral keys taking you deep into the nine realms, from tracks like ‘Rotter’ to the ending tracks to end all ending tracks, ‘Jordafard’.
The track that hit heim for me was ‘Hag och minne’ – now that one is a belter. Those droning horns and ravens more metal than you would ever hope to be, paving the way for Swedish and an epic burst its impossible not to nod or bang one’s head along. One thing you can count on THYRFING for is the epic and folk elements blending perfectly into such blastbeats and riffs, you’d almost blood eagle yourself for not giving them a chance.
All in all a solid effort from these Swedes. You have my recommendation to throw the volume up and blast Vanagandr. Your neighbors will thank you!
Review By: Druwedd
Despotz Records
3 / 6