Well, BLACK TOTEM has reached it; that time in a band’s career when I would normally be giving my trademark, copyrighted, and infallible spiel about how important a band’s third album is. But I won’t, as these Finns are all about keeping things short, simple, and to the point. Might as well join the party at the cemetery…
‘Hex Hood’ sneaks in under the fog, but only briefly, as the cryptkicker drums and fiery riffs ignite torches around the perimeter, and you know you’re in trouble. As guitarist/vocalist Spit Poison so aptly, well, spits “This is Hex Hood, ain’t no fucking trick or treat!” Moving at a languid yet licentious pace, the title track is all black and white BAUHAUS worship, a bit of SAMHAIN tossed in, of course, for flavoring. There are many sonic and vocal references to that second band mentioned throughout all of BLACK TOTEM’s work so far, but let’s be clear; this quartet of cadavers is very much at work creating their own monster. Vera Wolf’s loping basslines and dual vocals add a slinky-sultriness that’s been missing from a certain short fellow’s work for decades now, and help to make clear that separation.
‘The Witch’ arrives at the ritual, the guitars of Sam Hate stabbing and slashing atop Tony Cash’s bonedrums, groovy as all Hell and having the time of their lives, a bit of old blues call and response in the male/female vocals adding to the festivities and confirmation that without the influence of African music and the blues, there would be no rock and roll. Period. Can’t have an album of this type without bats, and ‘Bat Totem’ invokes a bit of the time when THE SOUTHERN DEATH CULT started to leave the keyboards behind for heavier guitar-dominated material.
We need a Canis Lupus as well, right? ‘I Wolf’ rocks with an almost STOOGES / MC5 fury, largely due to Hate’s flesh-ripping guitar work and some excellent howls from all the corpses in the graveyard, while ‘Son Of A Gorgon’ has got to make Spit Poison’s mother so very proud!
What we have here, boos and ghouls, is a rollicking, raucous romp through the best of dark rock and B-Movie fangfests. III: Sacrifice Tonite just begs to be soundtrack to a good classic-styled horror movie. Damn shame they hardly ever make those anymore…
Review By: Lord Randall
III: Sacrifice Tonite
Svart Records