Rebel Extravaganza

Heavy Metal And Other Occasional Musics And Cultures

lord randall

Album Review: Sacrilega – The Arcana Spear

When you tell me there’s a new black metal band’s debut clogging up my inbox, I can promise you I’m probably not as thrilled as you’re acting as if I should be. Now, don’t misunderstand; I love black metal as a genre, it’s just that I’m also largely content to move within the realms of the doomed, so it takes a bit to pique my interest. Now, tell me this same band has within its ranks the mighty Paulus Kressman from the Canadian prairie’s RITES OF THY DEGRINGOLADE, and I’m at least giving SACRILEGA a chance. Far from a one-man […]

Album Review: Demiricous – Chaotic Lethal

Returning from well over a decade of silence isn’t easy for any band, much less one that never really “made it” in the first place. After two well-received albums of NWOAHM-styled death-influenced blue collar thrash on Metal Blade in the mid-‘00s, DEMIRICOUS kind of just…poof!…faded. So, hearing of their return, I had to at least see if the years had been kind. Chaotic Lethal begins with ‘Unconditional Hate’, a rumbling, glitchy (thankfully abbreviated) intro with sparse piano in the background before absolutely annihilating, leads squealing like Deliverance and Lord Of The Flies had a baby and it was Ben Parrish […]

Album Review: MEIN KOPF IST EIN BRUTALER ORT – Ton Steine Sterben

For a band who’s been around for a decade as of this year, to be referred to as “the German LAMB OF GOD” is likely not as flattering as one would think. After ten full years, shouldn’t MEIN KOPF IST EIN BRUTALER ORT (“My Head Is A Brutal Place”, for those who care) have at least taken steps towards developing its own sound? Its own identity? Now I understand full well that bands aren’t always to blame for their PR info, and sometimes such veers from slight exaggeration to all out untruth, but gotta shift them units, right? And in […]

Album Review: Ufomammut – Fenice

When a band eight albums deep into a storied career has not only the honesty to look itself in the mirror and admit it doesn’t like what it sees but the boldness to admit such to its fans, that counts for something. And that’s exactly what UFOMAMMUT did during its thankfully brief hiatus over 2020. Some even wondered if there would be another album. Well, founders Urlo and Poia have returned, new drummer Levre in tow, and Fenice is the result. ‘Dust’ begins, distant waves, heartbeat pulse of rhythm, electronic blips, a band coming back from coma/hibernation, let us say. […]

Album Review: Skull Fist – Paid In Full

Now on its fourth LP, Toronto’s SKULL FIST are true believers in the timelessness of heavy metal as it was in what so many of us geezers nostalgically refer to as “the glory days”, “back when…” or “before all this…”. The title track kicks off with all the energy of MTV-era GREAT WHITE and half the power, straight from that time when major labels were throwing heaps of cash at anything with a cucumber in its pants and a can of hairspray in a holster. Now don’t get me wrong, vocalist/guitarist Zach Slaughter has some pipes. It’s just that he’s […]

Album Review: IZTHMI – Leaving This World, Leaving It All Behind

IZTHMI’s been practicing the dark arts for just over five years now, and yes, they’re from Washington state, but don’t let that mislead you into writing the quintet off as some WITR clone of the “Cascadian” black metal “scene”. After the whispered delivery of ‘Ever Beneath His Gaze (He Will Drown The World In His Tears)’, ‘The Shadows Of Our Disillusionment’ begins Leaving This World, Leaving It All Behind proper. The guitar tone immediately sets apart IZTHMI, being almost mechanical at times, yet shot through with super-clean lead phrases. While it’ll make a good many BM purists cringe or grouse, […]

Interview: Friends Of Hell (2022)

International anti-supergroup FRIENDS OF HELL has been lighting up the doomed heavy metal scene since its debut eponymous release in mid-March. Lord Randall wrangles band instigator and man of many outlets Tas Danazoglou for a quick yet informative chat… EVIL THEY CALL US, EVIL WE AREInterview with Tas Danazoglou [Drums]Interview By: Lord Randall Rebel Extravaganza: So far as I can tell, you’re currently in Mirror (who has an album coming out next month and is pretty active), as well as Satan’s Wrath (which is due for another soon, I hope personally). Why the need for FRIENDS OF HELL?  Tas Danazoglou: […]

Album Review: Hurakan – Via Aeterna

France’s HURAKAN returns for the all-important third album, moving up to virtual abattoir of death metal, Czechia’s Lacerated Enemy Records. Via Aeterna from the start reveals a darker, more seasoned HURAKAN, ‘Imperium’ slowly but deliberately moving into our field of vision, a hulking being, orchestral arrangements courtesy of Philippe Parickmiler adding just the layer the foursome needed to move forward. And thus we do, into ‘Void’, which isn’t so much of an earworm as the prior track, but drummer Thomas Cremier seems to have fixed the slight thinness I thought I was hearing before. Unhurried yet not lazy, this seems […]

Album Review: ORATORY – Inner Pyre [EP]

I won’t lie. As much as I pride myself on being musically openminded I expect truth in and from the musicians I listen to and strive to be authentic above all in my own work. You’ll never see me sporting a Harley Davidson shirt. You know why? I do not own a Harley Davidson. Don’t slap a Viking helmet on your dome and sing about Lindisfarne if you’re from bloody Croatia, and if your band members are going to wear CELTIC FROST and NEUROSIS shirts in your promo photos, I’d better hear you at least trying to inject some of […]

Album Review: HALLUX VALGUS – Reflections Of Distant Dreams

Okay, so the cat got me. I mean, look. On the cover. It’s a cat. And it looks like my cat, for fuck’s sake. I’ve been going through a late ‘60s-early ‘70s psych/folk phase for the past year or two such as INCREDIBLE STRING BAND blended with monster ‘70s guitar rock ala CROW and RAM JAM, and the art of this first widely-available edition left me unsure what to expect, but intrigued enough to press Play. A hard-charging riff sets Reflections Of Distant Dreams off at a gallop, ‘Ghastly Reflections’ harking back to the days when thrash/speed was beginning its […]