Twelve years after its original release, Nordvis presents this remastered version of WALDGEFLÜSTER’s Femundsmarka – Eine Reise in drei Kapiteln. The album chronicles a trek undertaken by the band’s mastermind, Winterherz, and his brother, P, through the Femundsmarka National Park in Norway.
Building on a foundation of atmospheric black metal, Winterherz uses various samples of wilderness and sea to weave a sonic tapestry that blends seamlessly with meticulously crafted acoustic melodies. Instrumental interludes play a pivotal role, serving as introductions, transitions, and a grand finale – all enhancing the conceptual nature of the album. The vocal performances of both brothers intertwine harmoniously, complementing each other’s strengths. Their diverse range, from powerful growls to ethereal chants, adds depth and intensity to the music, creating a captivating blend.
Prepare yourself for an unforgettable musical odyssey; let WALDGEFLÜSTER transport you to untamed realms, where the beauty of nature meets the raw power of black metal. Open your heart, close your eyes, and embark on an extraordinary escapade.
Winterherz commented:
This album was an important milestone in the history of
WALDGEFLÜSTER ; here you can find a lot of the trademarks we incorporated into our sound over the years. It tells the story of two brothers hiking through the national park of Femundsmarka. Of the sun warming us at lakes, of nights aborted by water in the tent, of tired feet stumbling across fields of stone – it was a journey that helped form our characters. Afterwards, we needed to process what we saw and learned. This album is what came out of it, and to this day I am immensely proud of it.

Femundsmarka Tracklist:
1 – Prolog: Aufbruch
2 – Kapitel I: Seenladn
3 – Interludium I: Rast
4 – Kapitel II: Setinwüsten
5 – Interludium II: Nacht
6 – Kapitel III: Fichtenhain
7 – Epilog: Heimkehr
Purchase Femundsmarka at THIS LOCATION
Femundsmarka Lineup:
Winterherz – Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Keyboards
Philipp – Guitars, Vocals
Official Site (Nordvis)