Rebel Extravaganza

Heavy Metal And Other Occasional Musics And Cultures

Everlasting Spew Records

Cartilage – Tales From The Entrails: A Necrology [EP]

The San Francisco slaughtercrew of CARTILAGE has been quiet for a few years, so Tales From The Entrails: A Necrology sizzles when it hits the pan like flesh sliced straight off the bone. The ‘Official Trailer’ is how an intro should be done, and ‘Frothed Vomit Slosh’ roils ‘n’ boils with DESULTORY-styled glee, maniacally messy. The guitar tone alone sells ‘Globs Of Glimmering Gore’, vocal violator Mark Wallace carrying a bit of Mille Petrozza sneer in his spewage, reminding us how much death/grind truly owes to thrash. ‘Ape-u-tator’ – aside from being brilliantly titled – is catchier than an STD […]

Album Review: Engulf – The Dying Planet Weeps

While the solitary black metal entity has become a known genre trope – almost to laughably sad proportions – over decades, often losing part of what made it special in the first place in the sheer glut of what should never have been a “scene”, death metal has yet to trip over that stumbling block. Hence, when a death metal project arises where one person is responsible, win or lose, I’ll at least approach with an open mind. After three EPs, New Jersey’s ENGULF (in the form of Hal Microutscicos) marks its first full-length with The Dying Planet Weeps. ‘Withered […]

Album Review: Birdflesh – All The Miseries [EP]

BIRDFLESH is back and squawking! The goofy Swedish grinders have been raising holy Hell for 30 years and they are just as brutal and stupid now as they were back in tape trading days. New EP, All The Miseries, will thrill all their mongoloid fans as it shows absolutely no progression! And I sincerely say that with all due affection. Newcomers may wonder how an EP can have 24 tracks on it, but BIRDFLESH fans know the score. If these guys do a song longer than a minute and a half, it’s the equivalent of RUSH’s ‘2112’ for them. So […]

Album Review: Fossilization – He Whose Name Was Long Forgotten [EP]

With a lineup composed of two members of Brazilian sludge/doom/death behemoth JUPITERIAN, namely vocalist/instrumentalist V., and P. on the drums. Now, I’ve recently gone on record with my opinion (aka The Whole Of The Law, Handed Down From The Mountain, Writ On Stone By Lightning) on members of one band forming a “side project” that basically mirrors the other (aka Thou Shalt Not), so I won’t bore you again – at least for now. Blessedly, FOSSILIZATION is noticeably different on its face than its members other effort, being more death than doom in overall scope, while still retaining a bit […]