Rebel Extravaganza

Heavy Metal And Other Occasional Musics And Cultures


HUNTSMEN announce new album, The Dry Land, and share release show

Chicago, IL ensemble HUNTSMEN has announced their third album, The Dry Land, set to be released via Prosthetic Records on June 7. Alongside the album announcement, the Americana / doom metal group has shared release show details for The Dry Land, set to take place on June 7 at Sleeping Village in Chicago, IL. Further details on The Dry Land will be revealed in the coming weeks, with the band sharing a teaser for the lead single HERE Speaking on the album announcement, Ray Bueno-Knipe (drums and vocals) comments: “We are incredibly grateful to announce the release of our third […]

Album Review: Necrot – Lifeless Birth

I remember really digging on NECROT’s sophomore full-length, Mortal, maybe partly because it was released in the throes of the pandemic, when the world was in literal spastic convulsions. Songs like ‘Stench Of Decay’ and ‘Malevolent Intentions’ were cut to the chase, no frills death demons that gave (at least these ears) an escape from the political haranguing and media talking heads. Lifeless Birth’s opener, ‘Cut The Cord’ slices and dices with exactly none of the precision of, say, CARCASS, but more a rusty cleaver hacking away, chunks of gore a’ flying into the speed-driven title track. Less chord-driven, just […]

Umbra Vitae Announce Sophomore LP, ‘Light of Death’

UMBRA VITAE, the powerhouse which features Jacob Bannon (Converge), Sean Martin (Twitching Tongues, ex-Hatebreed), Mike McKenzie (The Red Chord), Jon Rice (Uncle Acid, Tsjuder) and Greg Weeks (The Red Chord) have announced their sophomore album, Light Of Death. Set for release on June 7, 2024 via Deathwish Inc., the album was recorded by Kurt Ballou and Zach Weeks at God City Studios and mastered by Brad Boatright at Audiosiege. Light Of Death emerges with a spine-chilling violin swell before erupting into duel guitar driven madness, and UMBRA VITAE stay redlined onto their first single “Belief Is Obsolete’. Watch / share […]

Album Review: Sons Of Ra – Tropic Of Cancer [EP]

Instrumental. Avant-Jazz. Fusion. Well, there are three words that sound to these Luddite ears like a recipe for disaster. While I’ve become very intrigued of late with the idea that what most would term “background music” can actually make for a worthwhile listen and fill a space, most times it’s just sonic clutter, and I’m going to hard pass on that alone. Add “Avant-Jazz” and “Fusion”, and I’m truly already wondering why I bothered. Maybe it’s that Jazz has (until very recently) always come across as some inside joke played by the performers to stroke their own already-inflated sense of […]

Hessian Firm Releasing Compilation Album from Canadian Black Metal Duo TRAILS OF ANGUISH

Montreal (QC) – Hessian Firm is proud to announce the May 17 release of Scathed Gaping Misery, a compilation of the only two EPs ever released from defunct Canadian Black Metal TRAILS OF ANGUISH. The compilation consists of all tracks from 2001’s Relentless Abhorrence Of Misery’s Grievance and 2003’s Scarred Memento. Stream Scathed Gaping Misery In Full Watch the official video for album track ‘Spectral Life Scars’ While many black metal bands appear and disappear without ever recording a full length. Few ever come close to the quality offered by TRAILS OF ANGUISH. Unrepentantly emotional and honest, but balanced by […]

Album Review: Mastiff – Deprecipice

I can’t help it. I think it all started when “We’ll never make a fuckin’ video!” METALLICA began its not so long, not so slow slide down the greased colon that is mainstream acceptance and fortune/fame over quality. So when Yorkshire lads MASTIFF signed to multi-media conglomerate eOne for 2021’s Leave Me The Ashes Of The Earth, I was a bit trepidatious, let’s say. Thankfully, nothing changed but the name on the spine of the CD/record, as that album included some of the best work the band had put to tape yet. Still on eOne (now rebranded as MNRK Music […]

Blaze of Perdition: Polish Black Metal Outfit Releases ‘Przez rany’ Video / Single

Upharsin Nears April 19th Release On Metal Blade Records Watch BLAZE OF PERDITION’s ‘Przez Rany’ video ‘Przez Rany’ is the harrowing new single from long-running outfit BLAZE OF PERDITION. Having existed at the forefront of the Polish black metal movement, the band returns in 2024 with their sixth full-length, Upharsin, set for release on April 19th via Metal Blade Records. A step back from the somewhat unusual direction the band followed on their previous offering — 2020’s The Harrowing Of Hearts — Upharsin takes on a dark and pessimistic tone reflected by its appropriately oppressive music. Haunting and melancholic melodies […]

Album Review: Slimelord – Chytridiomycosis Relinquished

‘The Beckoning Bell’ begins firmly in left field, what sounds for all the world like deranged chickens but might be infected frogs squawk-croaking away until the massive bass-driven riff ‘n’ rhythm hit, and Hell spews forth from the guts of vocalist Andrew Ashworth. Already a rollicking almost loping groove is present, albeit intermittently shattered with chaotic moments of blasting death euphoria. This, friends, is a 7+ minute trip through your lower intestinal tract, so deep is the rumble manufactured by SLIMELORD here. Dual leads vomit us forth into ‘Gut-Brain Axis’, each guitarist being revealed as more than capable at crafting […]

The Hope Conspiracy Announce New Album, ‘Tools of Oppression / Rule by Deception’

THE HOPE CONSPIRACY have returned with their long-awaited new full-length album, Tools Of Oppression / Rule By Deception. Incoming May 31 from Deathwish Inc., the album is true sonic violence aimed at political division, economic manipulation, war profiteering, media propaganda and other vile forms of global oppression. An ominous soundtrack to the steady decline of our modern age, there is no question, THE HOPE CONSPIRACY is back to make a cold hard statement about existence in the end times. Air rad sirens wail as the foreboding album opener ‘Those Who Gave Us Yesterday’ explodes forth like burning shrapnel. Vocalist Kevin […]

Wytch Hazel + Phantom Spell – ‘Ride On’ / ‘Palantiri’ [7″]

‘Ride On’ is classic WYTCH HAZEL, and yes, by now there is such a thing, so beholden are Colin Hendra and his troupe of travelers to the times which their sound evokes. Energizing and hope-affirming, these fellas are keepers of a faith too often mocked within heavy music, but one listen can make even the blackest heart open to the melodic message. More progressive from its start, PHANTOM SPELL’s ‘Palantiri’ recalls ARMAGEDDON, or a more rockin’ FIREBALLET (think ‘Centurion’ from Night On Bald Mountain) at times, harmony vocals and abundant keys lilting and lifting. At its heart, this little gem […]