At over three minutes, the layered choral intonations, bell-like chimes, ritual drums of ‘That Night’ are less “intro” and more a full piece of the DEAD CAN DANCE / CURRENT 93 variety, gently tolling into ‘Old Graves Stir’. ‘Twixt forlorn crags, yet of majestic height we travel, summoned into the realm of death, stumbling over jagged riff, loss howling its fetid decay into our face in form of winds. Sebastian “S.K.” Körkemeier in his other roles, other bands has proven himself well versed in all shades of light and shadow, seeming to fully embrace the chance here to truly shine on his own and of his own accord, the instantly infectious riff that picks up and is built upon from 7:08-8:15 of ‘Old Graves Stir’ a testament to this.
‘Through The Morass’ melds KATATONIA bleakness to mid-‘90s MY DYING BRIDE, but is set upon by wolves of early Swedish death ala TOXAEMIA and the almighty DISMEMBER output of that same fertile time in metal. Incanting rhythm returns, leading ‘A World In Shade’ and belying the headlong plunge into the grave; but no lazy moping about here, no twee sense of “Oh, pity me”. Instead a resolute acceptance of fate, and a hurling invective against it all in the same crestfallen moments, the leadwork here standing out amid an album already awash in great guitar moments.
After the interlude ‘Watcher Of The Vast’ and a twist-turning ‘The Artefact’ – featuring darkened glimmers, diamonds in the murk ala CHRISTIAN DEATH / FIELDS OF THE NEPHILIM at times – we’re brought near the end by ‘The Turning Veil’. Featuring a more overly somber tone as a whole than anything else thus far, and interwoven by the vocals of one Jenny Kalbitz, we’re presented with a gateway, a near-closed path back to safety, should we choose to go through. But will we? Or does this many-faceted jewel enthrall?
Personally, I see myself returning often, seeking comfort, solace, a kinship felt with the Voices From A Fathomless Realm.
Review By: Lord Randall
Voices From A Fathomless Realm
Prophecy Productions
4.5 / 6