Adding to the news that Sunset Strip legends SHARK ISLAND are returning with their uniquely fresh take on traditional L.A. hard rock in the form of their album Bloodline, the guys around singer Richard Black are now back to resolve the biggest cliffhanger of their latest press release about the return and the new album: its physical release date, as it’s a two-stage launch. Given SHARK ISLAND’s recently blooming fascination for all things numbers plus the claim “it’s supposed to be a gift for the romantics”, some are already guessing right: Of course it’s gonna be FEB 14, Valentine’s Day!
So friends of engaging heavy rock branching right from the roots of its cultural eruption about 40 years ago, mark the date! Lovers get a copy for your sweet prey, too.

But there’s more, particularly for all the photo-video enthusiasts out there, from amateurs to professionals, because SHARK ISLAND are tapping the full potential of the freedom that being a gang of independent artists provides. Instead of going the corporate route of hiring someone to create a music video, they’ve decided to turn the whole thing into a fun community stir for everyone to engage with.
Until JAN 20, 2020 film makers and animators are encouraged to send their visual take on SHARK ISLAND’s album single ‘7 Tears’ to the band and take part in the fan video contest advertised with a $ 1,111 monetary prize for the winner, as a token of the band’s appreciation.
The winner also gets their name spread, if wanted, as the video will become the official music video for the band’s release campaign. Ranks two and three will be acknowledged with some interesting swag merch.
Learn all there is to know about the fan video competition HERE
Shark Island Online:
Official Site