Rebel Extravaganza

Heavy Metal And Other Occasional Musics And Cultures


Introducing Noitila – new single and album announcement

The time has come for a first glimpse into the harrowing soundscape of NOITILA. Langennut, the project’s debut album, will be released by Nordvis on October 20, 2023. Listen to and watch ‘Kylvemme sateessa enkelten veren’ The band commented:‘Kylvemme sateessa enkelten veren’ is a cosmic cry – a declaration of war against the light. In Noitila, worlds intersect; the heavens merge with the earth, and the earth with the underworld. One step across the threshold and NOITILA becomes a lightning rod – both the band and the location, which for us are one and the same. In symbiosis, we channel […]