Rebel Extravaganza

Heavy Metal And Other Occasional Musics And Cultures

Dr. Abner Mality

Album Review: Caustic Phlegm – Purulent Apocalypse

It’s no secret that I’m a lover of all that is icky, repulsive and sickening when it comes to metal. I regard most instances of “sick” death metal as a challenge. One thing I insist on, though: a song can be grisly but it still has to be a SONG. As long as I can detect an interesting structure, there’s no limit to how heavy I can go. And I know I’m not the only one to feel this way. CAUSTIC PHLEGM is a one-man wrecking crew helmed by a UK guy named Evan Vasilakos and he wants to create […]

Album Review: Karla Kvlt – Thunderhunter

This German power trio keeps it in the family on their debut record. Markus E. Lipka of the cult band EISENVATER is the Dad of group, holding down guitar duties, while his son Johann Wientjes pounds away on the skins and daughter-in-law Teresa Curtens handles bass and lead vocals. That must certainly make for some unique dynamics in the studio. KARLA KVLT’s sound is also unique and takes some time to appreciate. I really know little of EISENVATER so I can’t say how much KK sounds like that band. If I had to describe KARLA KVLT briefly, I’d say it’s […]

Album Review: Hirax – Faster Than Death

Mr. Katon W. De Pena is one of the true warriors of thrash metal. He’s been whipping up circle pits for about 40 years now, so his dedication can’t be questioned. Plus, he’s a hell of a good guy…I can personally attest to this. Despite that, HIRAX albums have been few and far between. Faster Than Death is only the sixth full length in all that time. Well, this one may very well be their rawest and most in your face outing since their classic debut, Raging Violence. They’ve been trying to live up to that brutal dose of mayhem […]

Album Review: Aeon Gods – King Of Gods

Cosplay metal has really gotten out of hand…there’s so many bands that look like they’ve escaped from San Diego Comicon that bands wearing plain street gear now seem to be the outcasts. AEON GODS originate from Germany, but one look at their promo pic shows they would rather be from ancient Babylon. Oy vey! I put my head in my hands after seeing that, but when I got around to putting King Of Gods on the stereo, I must admit…this is not that bad at all. Yes, it is pompous symphonic power metal…what else would you expect from Scarlet Records? […]

Album Review: ALKYMIST – UnnDerr

I remember hearing the debut from these Danish noise-mongers what seems like a millions years ago. And to be brutally honest, that’s all I remember. I can’t recall a note from the actual record. Lots of things have happened since then, including a pandemic, a war and mass environmental chaos. Would 2024’s version of ALKYMIST be a bit more memorable? I think so. UnnDerr is a dark, heaving mass of foreboding heaviness that comes across as very direct and “simple” but which has some hidden depths to it. It certainly isn’t standard doom or death metal, yet I think it […]

Album Review: Ian Blurton’s Future Now – Crimes Of The City

IAN BLURTON’S FUTURE NOW may have a pretty awkward name but they’ve managed to pull off something many others have tried and failed at; creating a genuine classic hard rock sound in the vein of the ’70s. Crimes Of The City is one of the best attempts at this that I’ve heard in a long time. The songwriting here is just so effortless and natural. All the tracks are in the three to four minute window that much classic rock dwells in. Not a wasted breath or riff is apparent here. Who does FUTURE NOW take inspiration from? Well, I […]

Album Review: Oranssi Pazuzu – Muuntautuja

It doesn’t get much weirder than ORANSSI PAZUZU. The eccentric Finns left their black metal roots in the dust long ago and have boldly steered full speed ahead into the land of “WTF”. Their 2020 album, Mestarin Kynsi, didn’t do a heck of a lot for me, as they seemed to reject any form of memorability in their quest for strangeness. 2024 brings us Muuntautuja…how does this one fare? This record is more batshit than anything they’ve done so far. Sheer noise has never played such an important role as it does here. In the press, the vocalist/guitarist Jun-His describes […]

Album Review: The Wring – Nemesis

THE WRING’s last album, Spectra, was a genuine delight and immediately put this Canadian power trio on my radar. A fun and engaging piece of progressive metal that was more than a little reminiscent of a certain other progressive power trio from Canada. In fact, it was a tremendous mixture of Permanent Waves / Moving Pictures era RUSH and the early days of DREAM THEATER. With Nemesis, not much has really changed…including my enjoyment. The RUSH and DREAM THEATER comparisons remain, but THE WRING also have injected their own personality into things. The songs are punchy and to the point, […]

Album Review: Barathrum – Überkill

Ah, the joys of simplicity in a complicated world! Something we can appreciate in just about any walk of life, but especially so when it comes to heavy metal. Finland’s veteran hellraisers BARATHRUM absolutely understand this principle and put into good effect on the smartly titled Überkill. This is pure first wave black metal with virtually no influence from the ’90s Norse brand. That means you expect a lot of catchy early BATHORY/VENOM/HELLHAMMER riffs in all their knuckle-dragging glory. BARATHRUM boasts two bassists and you can easily hear the extra “oomph” that lends to their barbaric tunes. The tracks here […]

Album Review: Wolfbrigade – Life Knife Death

Who needs coffee and energy drinks when WOLFBRIGADE is around? Hell, who needs cocaine?! This long running Swedish band is bone-breaking speed and power in concentrated music form. I was kinda shocked when I found out their new album would be on Metal Blade. I’m glad they’re on one of the bigger metal labels, but for a band with deep roots in the crusty Swedish punk scene, it’s a strange fit. Strange or no, they haven’t toned down one iota for this record. The press compares them to DISCHARGE, MOTÖRHEAD and old ENTOMBED, and that really hits the nail smack […]