Heavy Psych Sounds welcome US pioneers of doom metal PENTAGRAM to their roster for the release of their long-anticipated new studio album, as well as the reissue of their Sub-Basement and Review Your Choices albums.

About signing to Heavy Psych Sounds, PENTAGRAM frontman Bobby Liebling says:
“PENTAGRAM was conceived 53 years ago! We’ve seen many ups and downs and if the decades have given us anything, its wisdom. We know our new studio album is the best one we’ve ever written. We also realize that we need the perfect partner who not only understands the music but also knows the importance of packaging and presentation. After a meticulous search for the right record label, we are proud to announce that PENTAGRAM has signed with HEAVY PSYCH SOUNDS! They are fans first, musicians themselves and believe in the music as much as we do!

On the topic of our best albums, Heavy Psych Sounds will also reissue my favorite PENTAGRAM album to date, Sub-Basement and its companion, Review Your Choices. These two sorely overlooked albums will finally get the packaging and distribution they deserve. Joe Hasselvander did an incredible job on the instrumentation of these albums and co-wrote some of our thickest and most demented material. No longer will these records be passed by and overlooked! They stand tall next to any album perceived as “heavy” back in 1999/2000.”

Heavy Psych Sounds Records team adds:
“Here at HPS Records we are all so stoked and excited and still can’t believe that we are going to work with such an incredible band. A band who laid the groundwork for the doom and metal scenes, a band that put its indelible mark on the history of this genre. We hope to have a long and fruitful bond and work diligently together for years to come. It is with immense pride and excitement that we will soon reissue 2 great albums from the past and a brand new one. Together with the band signing, we are offering a choice of brand new merchandise ready to go from our online shop. It was a pleasure work with PENTAGRAM management to make this joint venture a success.”

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