The story of a legendary metal band is finally being told thanks to a new documentary from an up-and-coming filmmaker. Don’t Turn Your Back: The Story Of HERETIC tells the story of the Los Angeles-based band’s humble beginnings, from forming Reverend in 1989 to ultimately disbanding and reforming once again in 2011. This is a story of perseverance through the world of heavy metal.

The documentary marks the first-ever film by Tanner Poppitt, guitarist/vocalist for MADROST and host of the Poppitt’s Corner podcast. Poppitt comments on the film, Don’t Turn Your Back: The Story Of HERETIC is my debut film that tells the story of HERETIC who in 1986 signed a contract with Metal Blade Records and has had a unique career in heavy metal. From playing with both classic Metal Church vocalists, Mike Howe and David Wayne to ultimately disbanding and reforming once again. I felt that after 40 years of trials and tribulations, this would be a great story to tell and my opportunity to get into filmmaking.”

“Don’t Turn Your Back” is now streaming digitally and available on Blu-ray. Watch now on Amazon Prime

Order the Blu-ray from Poppit Productions

Official IMDb Page: Don’t Turn Your Back: The Story of Heretic (2023) | Documentary

Official Site
