Rebel Extravaganza

Heavy Metal And Other Occasional Musics And Cultures

Dabbing (LIVE) Rosin In Europe

BONGZILLA: new live album coming on Heavy Psych Sounds

Wisconsin’s premium stoner metal dealers BONGZILLA announce the release of their new live album, Dabbing (LIVE) Rosin In Europe, this March 15th, with preorders available now on Heavy Psych Sounds. “The Wisconsin natives have been making heavy, groovy doom metal songs about weed since the mid-’90s, and they’ll be making them until the sun extinguishes itself.” Decibel Magazine Following the 2023 release of their revered sixth album, Dab City, on Heavy Psych Sounds, the kings of weed metal BONGZILLA offer some of their smokiest riffs with their exclusive live album Dabbing (LIVE) Rosin In Europe. The album features seven tracks […]